Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog # 6

I am in the beginning of Burning Bright now. I am trying to understand why Mildred would turn her own husband in to the Fire station. I really don't know why she would do that. I think it is  because she is scared enough for her own life, not to care about her husband. I think that just proves that Montag doesn't really mean anything to her. She is willing for her husband to go to jail, and for her to be alone for the rest  of her life. She does not care about Montag at all. They might as well be distnt friends, than husband and wife.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post # 5

I am in the middle of The Sieve and the Sand. Montag is talking to Professor Fabor. Montag now really ants to do something  about the lack of books. He went to professor Fabor, in hopes to convince him to help. But profess Fabor refuses to help Montag. Honestly, I don't get why not. Professor Fabor is old. He won't live much longer. Why not spend the last years of your life, doing something good? bu Faber said he is a "cowardly fool." I think he's not really serious about saving books. What do you think? Is professor Faborreally serios about perserving books?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Post # 4

 So right now  I am at the part where Beatty comes to talk to Montag. It really surprised me that Beatty knew why Montag was at home. It seemed like he knew about Montag's book under the pillow. I don't think he knew about all the ones in the air conditioner. Because if he did, he would have probably burned them by now. I was also surprised to find out Montag has so much book, but has never read them. Why would you keep books, risk your career and life, and yet get nothing out of it? If it was me, I would have read the books right now and decided if I'm going to stick with the firemen or quit and start breaking the law for books.   But Montag has never read the books, and already he said that he's "never coming in again." He has the books and is afraid of reading them, and yet he is afraid of burning them So why do you think Montag has kept the books and not read any of them?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Post # 3

Another thing that I noticed is that firemen aren't really respected, for a world  that books are that tabooed. The firemen do their job, and people take it for granted. It's sort-of like our firemen too. People just take them for granted. Both in our world and theirs, the firemen do a dangerous job that needs to be done. People just don't respect them enough for it.  The firemen make very little money too, for their job. Montag said that a new TV is "one-third of my yearly pay" That means that Montag only makes 6,000$ a year. I don't understand why they make so little. It seems like a very important job in that world, so it should pay more than just 6,000 dollars Why do you think the firemen get so little money?

Post # 2

 What really stuck out to me today, was the relationship between Montag and his wife. They don't seem to be close at all.Like when, Montag asked where they first met, Mildred didn't even remember. She later said that "It doesn't matter."  I don't get how you can be married to someone for 10 years, and not even know where you met. And to not even care! Mildred also always has those sea-shells in her years. Or she is the the parlor not paying attention to Montag at all. They seem like the worst pair ever! All she really seems to care about is watching  TV. She barely pays attention to Montag at all. Why do you think that is?

Monday, May 9, 2011

First Post

First off, let me say that I will not have page numbers on this because I am reading this on the Kindle.  But the first quote that really stood out to me is when Guy Montag said that "he hadn't looked for a long time." That just shows how much technology has taken place in the world. People are so absorbed by work, TV and other things, they don't even have time to look up at the moon. It is something that simple and they don't even do that. And why not? Because full wall television is better? So my question is why do you think people don't look anymore?